General Information
Emmaus is excited you have an interest in joining one of our informative and educational tours. The information throughout this website is designed to assist you with your questions. Every Emmaus trip has basic core dynamics. These dynamics are listed below. Your particular trip will have additional dynamics which are customized. Go to the Tours link to view your trip’s customizations.
EMAIL: Email serves as the primary means of correspondence between Emmaus and participants. If you do not have an email address, please provide an email address of a relative or friend who can manage and distribute the Emmaus correspondence to you.
TRIP EMPHASIS: Your trip to Israel centers upon the land and lives of Old Testament and New Testament personalities. A blending of Old Testament and New Testament themes serves as guidelines. Emphasis is placed upon the roles of Prophets, Priests, Kings and the ministry of Jesus within the landscape, culture and context of Old Testament and New Testament narratives. Numerous discussions will take place during travel times while on the bus and at various sites. The trip is to focus on five instructional themes. (1) To introduce you to the landscape of Ancient Israel and the geographical features that influenced much of its biblical history. (2) To visit key geographical regions and sites associated with Old and New Testament history and familiar biblical personalities. (3) To visit key regions and sites associated with Jesus’ ministry and the Apostles’ ministry within Israel. (4) To expose you to relevant geographical, historical, cultural, religious, literary, and rabbinic elements in an effort to synthesize and appreciate the context of biblical messages and discourses from both the Old Testament and New Testament. (5) To enhance your understanding of biblical events in order to assist you in your personal study growth and your personal faith growth.
NOTEBOOK: A notebook has been prepared for you as a study and learning aid. The notebook contains maps, charts, diagrams, and notes that will assist you in your appreciation of the various biblical events we will discuss. The notebook will be distributed about two weeks prior to your scheduled departure date. Please bring this Notebook with you on the trip. (Notebooks are not provided for the summer el-Araj excavation sessions.)
BUS: A luxury air conditioned bus will serve as your main touring transportation.
HOTELS: All hotels are 4-star. Rooms are double occupancy with two beds. Single rooms are available at additional cost.
MEALS: Your morning and evening meals are provided at the hotels. Based upon your trip’s customization your daily lunch meals may or may not be a personal expense for a particular day. See your trip’s Itinerary to determine if your lunches are or are not a personal expense. The itinerary will have meal symbols at the end of each day indicating the meals that are provided for that day. (B,L,D; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). If an “L” is missing your lunch is a personal expense for that day. Emmaus will advise you of various lunch locales. You should plan on $10-$15 for a lunch meal.
DAILY SCHEDULE: The daily schedule is pre-established but remains flexible. See the Calendar or the Itinerary for details. When circumstances permit, additional sites will be added to the schedule. When necessary the daily itinerary will be adjusted to take advantage of changing circumstances. Sites may be visited in an order other than that published. Be prepared for flexibility regarding our daily activities.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: Emmaus does not share your personal information with anyone not directly associated with the administrative needs to facilitate our domestic and international travels. Any sharing of information is strictly done on a need-to-know basis. The vast majority of the information you provide on the Application is for internal Emmaus use only. Emmaus is aware of the need to protect your personal information and will do so to the best of its ability.
DISCLAIMER: In the event of an unforeseen change in the schedule, we promise you every effort will be taken to provide you with the same goals and objectives as outlined in the published itinerary. The published trip price is subject to change should circumstances warrant. This would include (but is not limited to) changes in airfares, airport taxes, visa fees, airline fuel surcharges, rate changes by agents and their suppliers and changes in international exchange rates. For additional information see the Terms and Conditions located within the General Information section and also associated with the Application.