What to Bring
Wear comfortable walking shoes with “deep treads” as your primary footwear. Trekking tennis shoes or light-weight hiking shoes do well. Avoid heels (!), dress shoes (!), or street shoes (!). If there are no “deep treads” on your shoes, it is best to leave them at home. Traction is more important than fashion. Some of the terrain is not smooth under foot and many trails are covered with rock or gravel. If you are not walking uphill, you will be walking downhill or side hill. Your shoes should be suited for open terrain walking and light hiking. Flip-flops are not acceptable as footwear during touring activities.
The months of May-September can be very warm. The heat index can reach over 100° F/40° C in some places we will visit. It is important for you to manage the heat and the sun’s intensity to avoid heat stress. A hat providing ample shade is a must. Other sun items to consider are sunglasses, chap-stick and sun screen.
Throughout your tour you will have an audio receiver system which allows you to hear your instructor from a distance. These receivers come with an ear piece. You are welcome to use your personal earphone buds in place of the ear piece provided. Do not discard the original ear piece. It must be turned in prior to departing the tour. If you use hearing aids, please inform us so we can request compatible headphones.
*Turkey tours may or may not have audio receivers available to participants.
No “dress-up” clothes are needed. Casual wear is customary and more practical. Shorts are OK. No short-shorts please. Because we try to be culturally sensitive and will be visiting “holy sites” there will be times when you (men and women) must dress more modestly (shoulders and knees covered). Portable “slip-over” or “wrap-around” or “zip-on” clothing works for such occasions. This is your “Modesty Kit”. If you are wearing shorts, sleeveless tops, low neck lines, or tight fitting clothing be prepared to use your Modesty Kit in certain areas and religious sites.
A day bag is simply a small light weight backpack, shoulder bag, or purse that can manage your daily items while on the bus or on location at a site. In it you should have everything you need for the day while touring. Typical day bag items include sunglasses, reading glasses, hat, water bottle, note pad, trip notebook, handy wipes, shawl or wrap, light weight jacket, camera, tablet, phone, earbuds, etcetera. There is no need to buy an over-the-top backpack. We are touring, not climbing Kilimanjaro. You want your day bag closable and lockable. A TSA travel lock works great for portable locking.
*El Araj Excavation Clothing see below.
Casual clothing is preferred. No dress up clothing is needed. There is no single list of clothing articles that can meet the needs of everyone. However, the list below can offer you some assistance on what would be appropriate to bring. Many participants bring light weight quick drying clothes for ease of washing and drying in the hotel room. Some hotels may have the ability to send out your clothes for cleaning and have them returned to you the next day. Ask the hotel reception about the cost.
long casual pants/jeans
shorts (no short-shorts)
light jacket, sweater or sweatshirt
several pairs of socks
enough undergarments for the duration of the trip
comfortable trekking shoes
water-shoes, sandals or flip-flops
1 poncho and/or rain gear for trips in Jan.-Mar. (including rain boots, etc.)
Swim suit (one-piece swimsuit may be most appropriate for cultural sensitivity)
Facial washcloths if desired (not
available in all hotels)
Alarm clock
Personal toiletry and medications
Sun hat providing ample shade
Electrical plug adapter(s) as needed for
your personal electrical items
Small flashlight (optional)
*Those participating in the El Araj Excavation will receive an email with a clothing list unique for archeological field work.
Most people over-pack for international travel. There is limited space available on the bus for luggage. Please keep your luggage size and contents to a minimum. Luggage is limited to ONE primary suitcase per person and one small soft day bag. Please be aware that you are at times required to manage and transport your own luggage.
Our hotels are 4-star. Bath towel, bar soap, shampoo and a hair dryer are provided at all hotels. The electrical supply in Israel, Turkey, and Greece is 220 volts. Your small North American appliances are 110 volts (hair dryer, curling iron, laptop, tablet and various chargers, etc.). Some North American small appliances will convert the 220 volts down to 110 volts automatically. Check your electrical appliances in advance of departure. You will need a Type “C” plug adaptor for your small appliances. A Type “C” adapter is valid for Southern Europe, Middle East, and Turkey. You will plug your appliance into the adapter and then the adapter into the wall socket.