Medical insurance is required and travel insurance is optional. These are not covered in the cost of your trip. Emmaus does not issue such insurance policies and is not affiliated with any insurance provider. It is the personal responsibility of the traveler to have proper medical coverage for overseas travel.
REQUIRED Medical Insurance
Israel requires that you have medical insurance that covers you for illness while you are in Israel. You must bring a printed copy of your international medical coverage with you.
If you currently have personal medical coverage through your college, work or other institution, it may cover you for overseas medical treatment. Please check your policy and check with your local insurance representative to confirm that you are covered for overseas treatment.
If you do not have a medical plan that covers you for overseas medical treatment, you must secure such coverage in order to participate on the trip.
OPTIONAL Travel Insurance
If you desire to protect your travel investment against an unforeseen cancellation or a needed emergency return flight home, it is recommended you purchase a travel insurance policy.
MEDICARE and MEDICAID may not be valid for overseas medical coverage. Check to see if they cover you while traveling abroad. If not, you must secure an alternative health insurance plan.
There are a number of travel insurance companies that can meet your needs for travel and medical insurance abroad. The best location to start your search for international insurance is to go to the website of INSURE MY TRIP. Here you can fill out your specific needs and Insure My Trip will search its database of providers and offer you a multitude of options. If you prefer a more personal touch, contact a local insurance agency or a local travel agency for assistance.
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*If INSURE MY TRIP cannot offer insurance coverage for travel in Israel, try TravelGuard.